Thursday, March 20, 2014

March Full Moon Correspondences

Obviously I am late on this since the March Full Moon was on the 16th but I wanted to get this out there nonetheless.

The month of March derives its name from the ancient Roman War-God Mars who, amazingly enough, presided over fertility of the land. Additionally, the Roman Goddess Bellona, goddess of war, had her special day during this month.  March is also the month of the Vernal or Spring Equinox in which light and dark balances as we come out of Winter and Into Spring. Wiccans, and I myself in my path of WiseCraft Wicca celebrate the Spring Equinox as Ostara.  Some traditional Wiccan deities associated with this month are Eostre, the Green Goddess or Lady of the Greenwood, Lord of the Greenwood or Green Man. And of course the God Mars since the month is named after him.

During the month of March, the Great Solar Wheel of the Year is turned to the Vernal Equinox, one of the four Lesser Sabbats celebrated each year by Wiccans and modern Witches throughout the world.

March in generally a blustery month weather-wise. The old weather saying "In like a lion, out like a lamb" is an apt description of March weather. For the Romans, it was the beginning of their year. The Spring Equinox, which falls around March 21 or 22, was a sacred and celebrated time in a great many world cultures. In the Southern Hemisphere, this would be equal to the Autumn Equinox, as the seasons are reversed. The Incas celebrated Pacha-Punchy, or Earth Ripening, at this time.
The Roman Matronalia honored Juno Luciana, an aspect of the goddess Juno, who protected women, children, and the family. Statues of the goddess were decorated with flowers, and special temple fires were lit. Girls made offerings to Juno Luciana at this time of year for happy and prosperous marriages.
The statue of Isis suckling her child symbolizes this goddess's aspect as the Great Mother, the caretaker of the Earth and all life. Flowers were floated on the rivers and the boats blessed with incense.
Eostre was the German goddess of rebirth. Rabbits and coloured eggs were fertility symbols connected with her. Originally, Eostre was the goddess of the Spring Equinox whose name was changed to Easter by the Christians.


March Moon names include:
  • Full Crow Moon
  • Full Worm Moon
  • Full Sap Moon
  • Chaste Moon
  • Storm Moon
  • Seed Moon
  • Moon of Winds
  • Plow Moon
  • Hrethmonath (Hertha's Moon)
  • Lentzinmanoth (Renewal Moon)
  • Lenting Moon
  • Moon of the Snowblind

  • Element: Air & Water
  • Astrological signs: Pisces the Two Fishes and Aries the Ram
  • Colors: pale green, red-violet, violet & purple
  • Stones: aquamarine, bloodstone
  • Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms.
  • Trees: alder, ash, dogwood
  • Herbs: Irish moss, Broom, High John Root, Yellow Dock Root, Wood Betony & Lungwort.
  • Flowers: jonquil, daffodil, tulips, violet
  • Scents: honeysuckle, magnolia, apple blossom
  • Animals: cougar, hedgehog, boar
  • Birds: sea crow, sea eagle, crow, raven
  • Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna, Mars, Bellona, Juno, Juno Luciana, Eostre, the Green Goddess or Lady of the Greenwood, Lord of the Greenwood or Green Man
  • Power Flow: energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. 
  • Purpose: Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your own life however much it may hurt.

The Nine Sacred Woods are:
  • Birch - representing the Goddess or female principle.
  • Oak - symbolizing the God or male principle.
  • Rowan, or Mountain Ash to celebrate life, as it represents the Tree of Life.
  • Willow, sacred to Hecate, is the tree of death. It represents a celebration of death.
  • Hawthorn - tree of purification.
  • Hazel - tree of wisdom. Add hazel to gain wisdow.
  • Apple - tree of love. Add apple wood for the magic of love.
  • Vine - tree of joy. It's juice capable of altering consciousness. Add vine for joy.
  • Fir - tree of immortality. Add fir to your Beltane fire for rebirth.

In the Celtic Tree Calendar:
March 1 – 17: Ash
In addition to being associated with the sea; ash also has connections with the runes and besom brooms.
March 18 & 31: Alder
Associated with courage, strength, and evolving one’s spirit; Celtic hero Bran.


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