Some of the most common myths regarding Wicca revolve around sacrifice and the use of blood in ritual. Sadly, sacrifice was common place at one time, and reference to it can be found in many religious texts, including the Old Testament of the Bible. It was the way of people for centuries to sacrifice animals and even humans. Thankfully, as people became civilized, all those barbaric traditions passed out of common practice. Is it completely gone from today's world? No, there are some religions and magickal traditions that still make use of sacrifice and blood in ritual. However, it is NOT part of Wicca. In fact, the Athame used in ritual work in Wicca is supposed to be a dull blade and that if it should ever draw blood, accidentally or otherwise, it is never to be used again.
Overall, sacrifice or using blood -- and most especially the drinking of blood, are not really part of Wicca. However, because many people on the Wiccan path are *eclectic* Wiccans, they may have taken things from other traditions that do so and incorporated it into their eclectic practice. In these instances, I would personally be of the position that they are a Witch or Pagan that have taken on some Wiccan aspects rather than the other way around. It might seem like semantics to say it that way, but Wicca's most notable principle is *Harm None* and sacrifice and blood use whether drawing it or drinking it, or even worse, secretly inflicting it on others to be ingested isn't really in keeping with the Wiccan Rede. While I can't speak for ALL Wiccans, what I can say with absolute certainty is that sacrifice, blood and other bodily fluids are NOT used in my tradition of WiseCraft Wicca.
Why would anyone have ever used blood or other bodily fluids in the first place? The purpose of blood use in many magickal workings was to create a magickal link or *tag lock* to themselves or another. However, there are many other ways to make that link without using blood, or any other bodily fluid for that matter. A strand of hair or a finger nail clipping is all that is necessary. Why would a person want to make a magickal link to themselves or someone else? Perhaps they are creating a poppet to represent themselves or another person they are working magick for. This could be for any number of reasons, healing, to place it in a crystal grid for long term and continual receipt of energy, to symbolize some undesirable aspect of oneself or another (remember - in Wicca you must have permission when doing magick for others) that is to be purged through ritual.
Knowing what we know today about blood borne diseases and diseases that can pass through bodily fluids, their use is strongly discouraged, especially if people other than yourself will be exposed to it. At no time is ingestion of bodily fluids recommended and is strongly advised against whether it be your own blood, urine, sexual fluids, feces etc. you are ingesting. And most definitely do not cause another person to ingest such fluids unknowingly -- this is assault and can have legal consequences.
As for sacrifice, that definitely goes against the Wiccan Rede's *Harm None*. Not a lot of elaboration needed for this one. Nothing should die for magickal workings. Period.
If you are looking for a coven or teacher, this would be a good question to ask them about to make certain you and they are on the same page. Just please know that overall blood, bodily fluids and sacrifice are not traditionally part of Wicca. So, if you are interacting with a coven or teacher that is Wiccan and does utilize these things and you don't desire to, don't ditch Wicca. Just keep looking until you find people that are in line with your own beliefs or perhaps better yet, practice as a solitary.
NOTE: I didn't mention spit specifically or snot or phlegm in this article, but the term *bodily fluids* pretty much covers the gambit -- if it comes from a vein or orifice of the body, it use isn't traditional in Wicca but more specifically, definitely not used in WiseCraft Wicca.
Bright Blessings and Blessed Be,
Rayven Michaels