Monday, June 2, 2014

Yesterways WiseCraft Wicca Vows of Honor

I sat ruminating on the irksome issue of Pagan infighting. I tried to think what I can do to help thwart it and make amends -- create unity instead of elitism, cohesion instead of chaos. From that came vows of honor below. Perhaps it is cheesy, but I share it, just the same. I think this will be a work in progress. But here it is as it rolls out of me this moment.

Yesterways WiseCraft Wicca Vows of Honor
I pledge on my honor as a WiseCraft Wiccan to respect the Greater Pagan Community and the spiritual diversity for which it stands, joining my own voice to the collective, unifying us all in the common cause of justice and spiritual freedom for all.
I vow to counter dogma when ere it raises its ugly head whether it be kith or kin or those unknown to me; 
I vow to counter bigotry wherever I find it, whether among my friends or my foes or others unknown;
I vow to honor the path of all others within the Pagan Community or outside its bounds and to respect the choice of Gods each one prays to;
I vow to protect spiritual transgressions against others when I am able;
I vow to rally people for a common good rather than split them asunder in elitists groups;
I vow to diffuse dissension rather than fuel the flames so that diversity is respected rather than reviled;
I vow to tell no other their spiritual business unless it cross boundaries to be used to harness and harm, belittle, degrade or enslave others;
I vow not to proselytize my own ways and speak of them to another only when asked or in my own writings that others may choose to read or not to read of their own free will;
I vow not to hold myself out to be above any other nor below them, but strive to journey as separate but equal;
I vow not to hold the many responsible for the actions of the few - to not condemn a broad selection of people when only a few are transgressors or abominations;
I vow to hold accountable those individuals actually responsible for any wrong doings rather than the group affiliations they lay claim to -- I will be ever mindful that people setting bad examples do not void the goodness and greatness of an entire path;
That's what I have so far. I will revisit this post and update it from time to time.

Bright Blessings and Blessed Be!
Rayven Michaels
Wiccan Witch of the Midwest

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